The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts

Shelfmark R.7.31
Manuscript Title

Commonplace Book of Edward VI

Alternative Title

Commonplace Book of Edward VI

James Number 773
Date Cent. xvi. [late 1540s]
Century 16th
Physical Description

13 lines to a page, beautifully written.


In Edward VI's own hand.

Size (cm) 14 x 10
Folio 20 ff.
Material Paper
Language French

A digital facsimile of this volume can also be found on the Scriptorium project website.

IIIF Manifest URL
Online Since 19/05/2017


Edward Sixiesme de ce nom etc.
A son trescher et bien ayme oncle
Edward Duc de Sommreset etc.
Le fervent zele que ie vous appercoy auoir en la réformation de L'ydolatrie.
A collection of Scripture passages against Idolatry in French, with brief comments, beginning with
Tv navras avtre Diev qve moy.
qu'un chacun deux vueille delaisser cest abhominable vice.
See J.G. Nichols's Literary Remains of Edward VI.


Aston, M., The king's bedpost: reformation and iconography in a Tudor group portrait (Cambridge, 1993)

Nichols, J. G., Literary Remains of King Edward VI (London, 1857), Vol 1, p.145.

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