Eight volumes of different sizes, all together in a single case, in vellum wrappers stamped with gold and silver coronets, and Prince of Wales's feathers.
I. H.F. on cover
A copy-book beginning with single letters, and ending with sentences.
II. An instruction to Princes to know how to governe state well, wherein is intreated of such matters as may accomplish a Prince so as hee maye be worthie to reigne, and therebie enabled both to gaine vnto himself the loue and reuerence of his owne people as also greate estimation and honoured reputation amonge other nations.
There are three principall Pillers wherevpon the frame of an estate resteth.
III. Inside the cover in coloures, the Prince of Wales' feathers, 3 fleur-de-lys and Latin motto in two frames.
Mars plumam Pallas calamum sed Iuno coronam
Vt Regnum strenue hoc armis seruetur et arte.
Pluma triplex triplicem vicit certamine florem,
Hic tamen est Regis, Principis ille decus.
Title partly in gold.
A Breefe Discourse tendinge to ye wealth and strength of this kingdome of Greate Britayne.
Written to the Highe and Illustrious Lord Henrie Prince of Wales.
By Sir Arthur Gorges Knight.
Fides fortibus, Fraus formidolosis.
My gratious Lords.
In the life that is priuate and retired.
Dated at end: 1610.
IV. Aduertissements pur vn Roy ou Prince, in French.
Dedication to Prince Henry.
Monseigneiur · Ayant desià · par l'espace de · xlij · Ans flotte et nage etc.
Signed Arthur Agarde, Antiquarie.
Text: Tout ainsi quil appertient au peuple de stat subiect.
V. Epigrams, each one an anagram, alternately in Greek and Latin, on Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, James I (2), Prince Henry (2), Anna Regina. Ending with a chronogram on 1602.
The Title-page is signed: Gulielmus Cheeke.
VI. Latin Exercises by Prince Henry, prefaced by a letter to him in English, from his tutor, signed R.W.
The first Latin page has the date: Henricus Princeps scripsi Maio 1605.
VII. A printed book interleaved; paged 669-716.
TETPAΣTIKA or The Quadrains of Guy de Faur, Lord of Pibrac, translated by Josvah Sylvester.
At London, Printed by Humfrey Lownes, 1605.
A Latin preface to James I, signed Henricus, and Latin prose renderings of the first 25 quatrains, in Prince Henry's writing.
VIII. Ad sereniss. Henricum principem Walliae.
Joannis Audoeni Epigrammaton M.S. Libellus 1610
i. Vestis Academica. Ad Amicos Oxonienses et Cantabrigenses.
104. Confessio Augusta. Ad Regem.
Vnum credo Deum, duo Biblia, symbola terna.
Conciliis quartum quattuor addo Fidem.
Joannes Audoenus (Owen).
Votum Autoris Memento mei cum veneris in Regnum.
Responsio. Hodie Mecum eris.