The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts

Shelfmark R.3.31
Manuscript Title

Sophocles, Tragedies

Alternative Title

Sophoclis Tragoediae

James Number 611
Century 14th15th16th
Physical Description

21-23 lines to a page. In at least three hands of cent. xiv, xv (early?) and xvi early.


Ex dono Reverendi Doctissimique Dris Duport Decani Petroburg. huius Collii nuper Vice-Magistri. Ao 1667. On f.13a appears the name Johannes Gibbonius: on the last page, Tho: Throckmorton.

Donor Duport, James (1606–1679), Dean Of Peterborough And College Head, Vice-Master Of Trinity
Size (cm) 21.5 x 14.5
Folio 98 ff.
Material Paper
Language Greek

a4? b8 c8 (+8*) || d8 (wants 1, 2) e8? (wants 7, 8: 6 supplied) | f8 g8 h4 (+ 4*) | i8-n8 o4.Quires a-c are the latest: quire d in a good and earlier hand (xv), quire e less good, quires f-h in a large ugly hand, quires i-n in the hand of d, quire o in a larger hand.

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Online Since 14/07/2017


1. f.2 Του̑ Σοφοκλέους Αὺας μαστιγοφὠ̑ρος
With ὤπὠ̑θεσις (f.1b) and Scholia marginal and interlinear, beginning:
Οἰκεὀως 'χουσιν οϊ παρακεὀμενοι ὁντί ἐνεστω̑τος.
Ends f.34b: τέλος του̑ αὺαντος μαστιγοφὠ̑ρου.

2. f.34b Σοφοκλέους |Ηλέκτρα
With ὤπὠ̑θεσις and scholia mostly interlinear.
Ends f.67b:
τέλος τθ̑ς ἠλέκτρας του̑ δευτέρου δράματος

3. f.67b Οἰδὀπους τ′ραννος
With ὤπὠ̑θεσις 'μμητρος (!) as well as one in prose.
Λιπἡν κὠ̑ρινθον οἰδὀπους πατρὥς νὠ̑θος
αὑ̑τὴ δἱ μᾠτηρ ὁγχὠ̑ναις διώλετο.
On f.68a is a rude picture of the Sphinx with four legs (clawed), wings springing low down by the forelegs, long thick neck and chubby human head, the tail a serpent.
Over it is the name κωνσταντὀνος ή καί παδιάτης
Text, with ornament in red above, begins on f.68b.
Marginal scholia at first fairly copious, beginning
|Ανατροφὴ ἤν ὁνατρέφὅ τὀς τινα.
Ends f.98b:
τέλος οἰδιπὠ̑δος τυράννου.
The MS. has been collated by Professor Jebb for his edition of Sophocles.
Names of Biblical and classical personages have been scribbled in the earlier leaves.


Christodoulou, G. A., Σ′μμικτα κριτικά (Athens, 1986)

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