The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts

Shelfmark R.3.25
Manuscript Title

South English Legendary

Alternative Title

Legends In English Verse

James Number 605
Century 15th
Physical Description

46-48 lines to a page. In a rather current hand: pale ink.


Given by Whitgift. Wyllyam Bekynfav... on f.254b [William Robinson?]

Donor Whitgift, John (1530/31?–1604), Archbishop of Canterbury, Master of Trinity
Size (cm) 26 x 17
Folio 275 ff.
Material Parchment
Language English

112 (wants 1 blank)-1012 1114-1514 1612-2112 228 238 (1 mutilated), fly-leaves at end cut out.

IIIF Manifest URL
Online Since 18/05/2017


The South-English Collection of Legends of Saints.
This MS. is described fully by Dr C. Horstmann in Altenglische Legenden. Neue Folge, 1881, pp. xlix sqq.
5 leaves inserted at the beginning of MS. give contents plus a few brief additional notes.
There has been an inscription on the first fly-leaf of which a small bit is left. Also scribbles on the remaining fragments of fly-leaves at the end. On f.275 are two Indices of cent. xv, the first in the original scribe's hand. They are both mutilated.
The volume contains
1. Poem on the Old Testament and Salutacio Marie, with a miracle of a youth at Oxford.
f.1 Whanne hit comeþ on my þou ’t: þe muchel sorwe of synne
2. f.25 Banna Sanctorum
Now bloweþ þe nywe frut: þ t late bygan to springe.
3. f.25b Zeres day þe holy fest: heyday is an goud
4. f.26 Twelþe day þe holy feste: noble is to holde
5. f.26 Seynt hyllary þe goud man of aquitayne was
6. f.27 Seynt Wolston byschop of wyrcestre was in englonde
7. f.29 Seint Fabian by old dawe goud man was ynow
8. f.29b Seint Sebastyan
9. f.30b Seynt Agnes þ t maide
10. f.32 Seynt vincent
11. f.34 Seint Julian þe confessour
12. f.34 Seint Julian þe goud herbyger
13. f.35b Seint Bryde
14. f.38b Candelmasse
15. f.30 Seint Bles (Blasius)
16. f.41 Seint Agathe
17. f.42 Seint Scolace
18. f.43 Seint Valentyn
19. f.43b Seint Juliana
20. f.45b Seint Mathye
21. f.46 Seint Oswold þe byschop
22. f.48 Seint Chadde
23. f.49 Seint Gregory
24. f.50 Seint Longius (same text as no.63)
25. f.50b Seint Cutbert
26. f.51b Seint Benet
27. f.52* Seint Marie day in þe lente (Lady Day)
28. f.52*b Festes moble
29. f.53 How fessteþ þ t many man
30. f.53 Lente also ys yfounde
31. f.54 Þe holi feste of Ester
32. f.54b Seint Marie egypcian
33. f.58 Seint Alphe (Alphege)
34. f.60b Seint George
35. f.61b Seint Mark
36. f.62 Letanie (Litania Major)
37. f.62b Seint Peter þe frere prechur (Peter Martyr)
38. f.62b Seint Phelip and Seint Iacob
39. f.63 Seint Iacob
40. f.63b Seint Dunston
41. f.65b Seint Aldelme
42. f.66b Seint Teofle (Miracle of Theophilus)
43. f.68b Seint Botolf (and Adulf)
44. f.69 Seint Kenelme
45. f.72b Seint Cristofre
46. f.75 Seue sleperes
47. f.76b Seint Gile
48. f.77b Seint Martha
49. f.79 Seynt Mychel
f.80 Seint Michel in nouembre
50. f.86b Seint Fey
51. f.87b Seint Denys
52. f.89 Seint Luc
53. f.90 Þe holy rode
54. f.95b Seint Quirac
55. f.96 Seint Marie godys modir (Assumption)
56. f.98 Seint Bartholome
57. f.101 Seint Jon þe ewangeliste
58. f.106 Seint Jon (Baptist)
59. f.107b Seint Petir
60. f.112 Seint Poule
61. f.115 Seint Nycolas
62. f.120 Seint Andru
63. f.122b Seint Longius (same text as no.24)
64. f.123 Seint Austyn
65. f.123b Seint Barnabe
66. f.124b Seint Albon
67. f.125b Seint Margaret
68. f.127b Heyze men and redy (St Mary Magdalene)
69. f.133 Seint Jeme
70. f.136b Seint Aþelwold (same text as no.101)
71. f.137b Seint Dominike
72. f.140b Seint Laurance
73. f.142b Seint Ypolyt
74. f.143b Seint Matheu
75. f.144b Seint Jerome
76. f.145b Seint Leger
77. f.146b Seint Fraunces
78. f.151 Seint Eustas
79. f.154 Seint Edmunde þe confessour
80. f.160 Seint Bryce
81. f.160b Seint Edmund þe king
82. f.161b Seint Cristine
83. f.165 Seint Cecelie
84. f.167b Seint Kateryne
85. f.171 Seint Lucie
86. f.172b Seint Thomas (Apostle)
87. f.178 Seint Steuene
88. f.179 Þes þre kinges (Innocents)
89. f.180 Ioseph (Natus Domini)
90. f.181b Sterren honoureþ ek oure lord (Epiphania)
91. f.182b Oure [Ouore above line] lady dide hire churche gonge (Purification)
92. f.183 Of al þat oure lord in erþe was (Passio Christi)
93. f.186b In þe dawyng þan sonday (Resurreccio Christi)
94. f.188 Þe furst tokne a ’en domesday (xv toknes)
95. f.188b Gilberd was seint Thomas fadere (Thomas of Canterbury)
96. f.215 Seint Brandan
97. f.223 Seint Patryk
98. f.230b Seint Edward þe martir
99. f.233 A kny ’t þer was wyle: a luþer man ynowe (Miraculum de S. Maria).
100. f.233b Seint Swyþyn
101. f.235 Seint Aþelwold (same text as no.70)
102. f.236 Seint Leonard
103. f.238 Seint Martyn
104. f.240b Seint Clement
105. f.246 A kny ’t was wyle aryche man. (Miraculum de S. Maria)
f.247 A kny ’t þer was wyle: grete man myd alle and wyse (Miraculum II)
106. f.247 Seint Fredeswyde
107. f.248b Elleuene þousand virgins
108. f.250b Seint Symon and Seint Jude
109. f.252b Seint Quintyn
110. f.254 Seint Albryt (Ethelbert)
111. f.255 Alle halwene day
112. f.256 Alle saulen day
113. f.260b Seint Beryn (Birinus)
114. f.261b A man þer was in israel (Conceptio beate Marie)
(f.268 is mutilated)
115. f.269b Seint Siluseter
116. f.270 Oure fader þ t art in heuene (Pater noster)
117. f.270b Judas was a luþer bryd
118. f.272 Pilatus was a luþer man
Ends 275(276)a
God schulde eche cristen man: from suche delful cas.


Fredell, J., 'The Three Clerks and St. Nicholas in medieval England', Studies in Philology 92 (1995), 181-202

Horstmann, C., (ed), The Early South-English Legendary or Lives of Saints (Early English Text Society: London, 1887)

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