(Lettered "St Albani Historia Naturalis").
On the fly-leaf is a table of Capitula, ending
f.1 Expl. capitula quinti libri scripta et laborata per manum ffratris Johannis Tempill. A.D. mo. cccco. xxxo. ixo
Alexander Nequam de Naturis Rerum.
See the Rolls Series edition by Wright.
Forma decens dignis nature munifice dotata deliciis.
Liber II. ends f.70b
ut uariatis calicibus uarientur et uina.
This is all that Wright has printed. What follows is an Exposition of Ecclesiastes.
f.71 Lib. III.
Superfluo detinerer labore.
The extra leaf added is from a MS. of not very different date. It contains Cap. x de preuaricatione salomonis et eius penitentia.
Lib. v. ends f.153a
Et ecce iam nutu diuino nobile opus ecclesiastes exposuimus · gratiarum acciones uberrimas persoluentes deo omnium bonorum largitori · cui honor et gloria per infinita sec. sec. Amen.
The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts
Shelfmark | R.16.3 |
Manuscript Title | Alexander de Albano, De natura rerum |
Alternative Title | Alexander Neckam De Naturis Rerum |
James Number | 951 |
Century | 13th |
Physical Description | Double columns of 39 lines. In three good hands, very different. |
Provenance | Given by ? |
Second Folio | legitur in psalmo |
Size (cm) | 37.5 x 27 |
Folio | 154 ff. |
Material | Parchment |
Language | Latin |
Collation | 1 fly-leaf | 110-1510 164 (4 canc.). Quire 9 has a leaf of another copy sewed on to the recto of its 8th leaf. |
IIIF Manifest URL | https://mss-cat.trin.cam.ac.uk/Manuscript/R.16.3/manifest.json |
Online Since | 29/04/2015 |