F.1 is headed Liber plantarum.
A title of cent. xvii. Videtur Epitomen esse Historiae Naturalis Plinii et aliorum. But many late authors, as Bernard, Gregory, Platearius, are quoted.
Inc. Triplex est esse. Quedam enim sunt res composite et in compositione sua sunt mixte ex ύ 4 ύ elementis. Et quedam res sunt composite compositione tantum diuisionali.
On pp.1-67 the heaven is treated of.
On p.67 is the heading Ignis.
On p.80 De aere et contingentibus aerem.
On pp.122 sqq. water is treated of.
(pp.147-159 of fountains and their properties: Solinus is quoted.)
On p.159 De terra et contingentibus eam.
On p.254 De vegetabilibus.
On p.404 of animals, and first of birds.
On p.503 of fishes. p.529 of serpents.
p.536 quadrupeds.
p.611 man.
Ends p.633: Pectus hominis est latum etc... pars acuta declinat ad inferius pectoris.
On the next two leaves are miscellaneous notes in a small hand.
The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts
Steel, C., et al., ed., Aristotle's Animals in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (Leuven, 1999)