The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts

Shelfmark R.14.52
Manuscript Title

Medical Miscellany

Alternative Title


James Number 922
Century 15th
Physical Description

40 lines to a page. In a current hand.


Bequeathed by John Fortho, M.D. Fellow and Senior Bursar T.C.

Donor Furtho [Fortho], John (c1566-1632), Fellow Of Trinity (1589)
Size (cm) 29 x 22.5
Folio 275 ff.
Material Paper
Language Middle English

No f.263

IIIF Manifest URL
Online Since 09/01/2015


A parchment fly-leaf at each end, scribbled with receipts.
The contentis withynne this volume bien thiese as in this table and kalender folowyng plainly is expressed.
The table, which is very full, occupies 5 leaves.
1. f.i The treatice of ffreere Rogier Bacon of th ordre of menours, of tarieng and withdrawyng the accidentis of age and of elder-men
Lord of the world whiche of the most noblest stokk hast take the spryng and the bigynnyng.
There is an obscure monogram at the top of the page.
Ends f.xxviiia.
2. f.xxviii De spermate
3. f.xlb Liber cerebri
4. f.xlivb Liber fleobotomie
5. f.xlvib Liber creatoris
(ff.l-lii in later hands.)
f. lii b is signed: bi me william halkins Vicar of brudge solars.
6. Extract from
f.liii Frere Rogier Bacon in the vj. boke of sentences in the .iij. degre of sapience
7. f.lvib Also another treatise of the same ffrere Rogier Bacon (out of the Compendium Stud. Theol. part vi.)
Forsoth the bodies of Adam and of Eve.
Ends f.lxia.
Receipts follow.
8. f.lxij On Prognostications. It is to be noted after Bartilmew vpon prognosticaciouns
Ends civa: ff.civ-cvi in later hands.
9. f.cvii De mulieribus
Forasmoche as ther bien many wymmen that han many diuers maladies.
Ends f.cxxxvb: ff.cxxxvi-viii in later hands.
10. f.cxxxlx The ī iiij ī Elementis
11. f.cxliii Ypocras of life and deth
12. f.cxlvb An astrological tract
13. f.clvib Here bigynneth a noble tretise made of a good phisicien John a Burdews (against the plague)
Ends f.clviiia. Receipts follow.
14. f.clix As Salomon saith in his first booke of proverbs
Ends f.clxviijb
After this are 4 leaves unnumbered, with diagrams of urines, coloured.
15. f.clxxiv Tract against the plague
For the uniuersal goode.
16. f.clxxvb Synonymes,of diuers spices
17. f.ccib Tables of. Spices of Maister Valerue
18. f.ccxii Names of diseases
19. f.ccxv Tract on making Speere.
The first section is signed: Quod Multon 1458.
On planets and planetary influence.
f.cclv Kalendar tables
f.cclvii Tables of musical notes - later insertion
f.cclvii Almanack translated out of Arabic
f.cclix Nativities of men
ff.cclxiv-lxx Receipts
The table calls them
Medicyns dyuersly treatid bi John Mary Janewey Doctour Sutton and bi maister Rogier Necton doctours in phisik.


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