The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts

Shelfmark O.8.8
Manuscript Title Basilios Bessarion
Alternative Title Bessarion.
James Number 1383
Century 16th
Physical Description Various numbers of lines to a page. Clearly written.
Provenance Part of the Gale collection, given to T.C.C. by Roger Gale in 1738.Marked C. 49. No. 180. On f.1Dno Joach. Camerario dd. Joan Sambucus Virmiae v̅ Kl. Octobr. 1568.
Donor Gale, Roger (1672-1744), Antiquary
Size (cm) 22 x 16
Folio 42 + 2 ff.
Material Paper
Language Greek
IIIF Manifest URL
Online Since 13/03/2020


Βησσαρὀωνος καρδηνάλεως του̑ τω̑ν το′κλων περί του̑ τθ̑ς ϊερἱ̑ς εὑ̑χαριστὀας μυστηρὀου καί ὡς τοὶς του̑ κυρὀου ῥᾠμασι μάλιστα τελειου̑ται τὀ καί ϊερουργεὶται.
κεφ. α'.
Του̑ ϊερου̑ τθ̑ς συνάξεως καί εὑ̑χαριστὀας μυστηρὀου.
See Bibl. Magna Patr. Paris VI. 467 and Allatius de perpetuo Consensu p.432.
Ends ῃ̑τι ύν τ′χοι ὁφειδω̑ς ὁπορρὀπτουσιν.
On two leaves at the end are an extract
Ἑρμεὀου ἐκ του̑ διαλὠ̑γου
Εἰς τέσσαρα διηρημένης τθ̑ς πολιτεὀας
and some other notes in Greek very ill written.
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