1. Βίτωνος κατασκευαὶ πολεμικω̑ν ὀργάνων καὶ καταπελτιστω̑ν πρὸς Ἄτταλον.
Transcript, ex MS. Arch. Pembr. 58 (187) (=Barocc. 187) by E. B(ernard)?
Λἰθοβόλου ὀργάνου
--δακτύλου τὸ ἤμισυ.
It includes Hero's tract. de constructione manuballistae.
2. Κτησινίου βελοποιικὰ
Τῆς εν φιλοσοφία διατριβῆς.
From the same MS.
EB scripsit mense mart. 1662/3.
3. Ἰσαὰκ μοναχου̑ του̑ ἀγρύρου (de dimensione triangulorum).
Ex MS. (70) 18 (=Barocc. 70) 4 to Arch. Pembr. Transcribed by E. B.
4. Ἐκ τῆς Ἥρωνος γεωδαισίας.
Ὁ παλαιστὴς ἔχει.
From the same MS.
5. Excerpts (astrological) from Antiochus, Paulus Alexandrinus, Julianus Laodicensis.
From MS. Selden gr. 16, f.92b etc.
6. Πρόκλου οὐρανόδρομος.
Ex MS. Arch. Pembr. 57 (166)=Barocc. 166.
7. Προγνωστικὸν βιωφελὲς... Πετωσιρις μεχεψω̑.
From the same.
8. Περὶ ἐμβολῆς καὶ ἐκβολῆς του̑ ἡλίου ἐν τοῖς ξωδίοις.
From the same.
9. Ex MS. Gr. 4 to cui Titulus Psellus Epitome Physices Aristotelis qui continet etiam varia astrologica et erat Coll. S. Trin. Cantabrig.... extat in Bibl. Bodl. inter MSS. J. Seldenii. E. B. descripsi (= Selden Gr. 162 f.141 etc.).
Ἐκ τῆς ἡλιοδώρου ἀστρονομικῆς διδασκαλίας περὶ δεκανω̑ν ζωδίων
Ἰστέον ὅτι ἒν ἔκαστον ζώδιον.
Excerpts from Antiochus follow.
10. Ἑρμου̑ του̑ τρισμεγίστου περὶ σεισμω̑ν.
This and the remainder of the extracts in the book are seemingly all taken
Ex libro MS. Gr. 118 Astronomicus inscripto libro crassissimo. In Bibl. Bodl. (= Cromwell 12, p.1217).
The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts
Shelfmark | O.7.39 |
Manuscript Title | Mathematical Treatise |
Alternative Title | Mathematica Graece. |
James Number | 1367 |
Century | 17th |
Physical Description | Neatly written. |
Provenance | Part of the Gale collection, given to T.C.C. by Roger Gale in 1738. Marked D. 11. No. 229. |
Donor | Gale, Roger (1672-1744), Antiquary |
Size (cm) | 16 x 10.5 |
Folio | cir. 100 ff. |
Material | Paper |
Language | Greek |
Notes | f.97 is a folded leaf attached to f96v
IIIF Manifest URL | https://mss-cat.trin.cam.ac.uk/Manuscript/O.7.39/manifest.json |
Online Since | 29/06/2021 |