An Alchemical tract.
1. f.1 All þe wisdom in þe worlde cometh of our lorde gode Ihesu cryste etc.
-be the grace of þt kynge þt all þyng dysposeth. Amen.
for seynt charyte
In dei nomine Amen.
Aqua Vite.
Take a li. of Salte comon. at.
Illustrated with many large drawings of apparatus.
A xvith cent. note says that George Ripla is the author.
2. f.8 liber turbe philosophorum
Capitulo primo. The sotell 8 is juste mater of all mettalles.
3. f.12b Gemma salutaris
begun over again on f.13. The ffirste worde ys þis worke.
4. f.17b Here begynneth a compendeose abstrace of alkamy drawen ou ’te of latyne, etc.
In seven chapters, apparently ending on f.22b
a moment or an halfe. finis auctarum de quo semper est mirabilis etc.
Other alchemical matter without heading follows.
5. f.27 Ripley's Twelve Gates
In þe begynnyng when gode made alle of no ’ghte.
Ends f.37: to reyne wt hym for euere. Amen.
Quod Georgeus Rypla canonicus de Brydlyngton.
Cuius anime proplcietur deus dicamus omnes. Amen.
f.37 After all þys I wyll þ u vnderstonde
-whyche he in hys kyngdome vs graunte for to see. Amen.
Explycyt Alkimice tractatus philosophic. / Cuius Rypla george canonicus pius auctor erat. / M. quadringentes septuaginta vnusque tenerat. Annis qui scriptus compositusque fuit. / Auctori lector prebe prece queso iuuamen. / Illi purgamen leue post vitam sit ut. Amen.