Πορφυρίου εἰς τὰ ἁρμονικὰ Πτολεμαὀου ὤπὠ̑μνημα.
Πολλων ἁρετων οὑ̑σω̑ν ἐν μουσικῃ.
Ends: ἑτερὠ̑τητα του ἤθους ποιεὶν.
Πορφυρίου εἰς τὰ ἁρμονικὰ Πτολεμαίου του ὤπομνᾠματος τέλος.
An index of authors quoted on the last page. A few marginal notes seem to be in Young's hand.
The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts
Shelfmark | O.5.27 |
Alternative Title | Porphyrius In Ptolemaeum |
James Number | 1308 |
Century | 17th |
Physical Description | Clearly written. |
Provenance | Part of the Gale collection, given to T.C.C. by Roger Gale in 1738. Marked A. 23. |
Donor | Gale, Roger (1672-1744), Antiquary |
Size (cm) | 36.5 x 24 |
Folio | cir. 100 ff. |
Material | Paper |
Language | Greek |
IIIF Manifest URL | https://mss-cat.trin.cam.ac.uk/Manuscript/O.5.27/manifest.json |
Online Since | 04/06/2020 |
Gullick, M., 'The Origin and Importance of Cambridge, Trinity College, R.5.27', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 11 (1996-9, 239-62)