1. The Romance of Generydes (in stanzas of seven lines) f.1
In olde Romans and storys as I rede
Of Inde somtyme ther was a nobyll kyng.
Ends f.37b:
He graunt vs a place perpetuall
In paradise where all his seyntes dwell.
Explicit the boke of Generides and of his faire lady Clarionas.
This is the only known manuscript of the version in seven-line stanzas. There are fragments of a printed edition. This copy was discovered and edited by W. Aldis Wright, M.A., Vice-Master, for the Early English Text Society
in 1878.
2. Lydgate's Book of Troy f.38
O myghty mars that with thy sterne light
In armys hast ye power and the myght.
Ends f.190:
This litill booke lowly I betake
It to support and thus an ende I make.
f.190 (Ending in 15 stanzas of 7 lines)
Most worthy prince of knighthood sourω̑e and well
Requering hem all that is amis to mend.
3. Lydgate's Siege of Thebes f.191
Whoso euer on this story list to behold
Of a sege shall he heren don be dayes old.
f.196b Pars Secunda
f.204 Pars Tercia
beginning imperfectly.
Ends f.211b
And ioy eternall whanne we hens wend
And of my tale thus I make an end. Deo gratias.
In red:
In this wise endyth the sege of Thebes
Ensample shewing for to leuen in pes
To all men that wiln it distinctly rede
And clerly se what they gete yr to her mede.
As seith this story to Grekes was it gret confusioun
And to that strongi Cite vtter ruyn and distruction.
Scriptoris anime te christe precor miserere.
The following paintings remain:
1. f.38. King on throne on L. Lydgate as monk kneels and presents a book. Three courtiers on R. Red ground with gold flourishing. Full border with 8 shields, and another in the initial.
2. f.40. King Pelleus kneels on R., the Divine hand in cloud above. On L. 3 corpses of Myrmidons. A red angel with sword in air. On R. two small figures, one falling.
The Myrmidons were destroyed by lightning and pestilence.
Full border.
3. f.107b. In front on L. a man in plate armour (Achiles?) and blue mantle seated in a tent. Before him a man in gold armour kneels: two squires in white armour stand. In the background Hector in gold armour leads a troop. City on R.
Full border with parrots and shields.
4. f.137b. Achilles in tent in armour and blue mantle, between two men on R. under a roof. Hector dead in bed, covered with wounds. Behind a warrior at a city gate: two people address him.
Full border.
5. f.172. Liber V. King throned on L. Page with cap in hand kneels to him. In the background two men, agitated. The masts of two ships seen over a hill.
Full border.