Prefixed to the text are three papers:
1. Letter from Humfrey Wanley (Edmund Hall, Oxford, 7 Nov. 1695) to Dr Gale to say that he has finished the transcript, and asking for £2 more than the £4 agreed upon.
2. Receipt of Th. Bartlett (the Carrier), 15 Nov. 1695, for £4 to be conveyed to Wanley.
3. Letter from Jo. Mill, not dated. He is engaged in collating Proclus.
Πρόκλου εἰς τὁν του̑ Πλάτωνος Παρμενίδης ὑπόμνημα.
There are two copies of the first, leaf of text.
Εὔχομαι τοῖς θεοῖς πᾶσι καὶ πάσαις.
Book IV. ends p.312: ἢ ἄλλῳ στοιχείῳ λαχόντι τὴν ὐπόστασιν.
The MS. from which this is copied is Bodl. Misc. Gr. 97 of cent. xv late.