Stuck to the cover is a leaf of a service-book with a lesson for St Vincent and music on a four line stave (xii).
There is also a slip of an early xivth cent. MS. containing one column on each side of a French version of 2 Maccabees e.g.
Ceus qui o lui estoient et les despecierent par pieces et puis lur coulpirent les chies et les giterent hors. En toz ces choses seit deus benoiz qui a destruit les desloiaus pur ce que nous fussioms deliurés etc.
At the end are two leaves of other MSS.
1. Part of a leaf of a xiiith cent. Vulgate in double columns, containing parts of John viii-xi.
2. A leaf of a Breviary (xvth cent. English) with lessons for St Lucy on the exposed side.
The table of contents in the manuscript catalogue is as follows: the items marked with an asterisk are now missing. I add the pages of the MS.
Collect. arithm. cum vers. retrogradis aliisque et quaestt. plurimae (?).
Compendiosa subtilitas Multiplicationis (30).
*de usu quadrantis et Cylindri.
*De conipositione Cylindri et eius officiis.
Prognostica (79).
Kalendarium (82).
Tabulae Astronomicae (94).
*Hippocratis Physiognomia.
de temporum distinctione et Elucidatio omnium quae ad Kal. pertinent (125).
*Rob. Grost. de sphaera.
Martini Goliae Apocalypsis (309).
Walteri Mapes Centiloquium (315).
versus eiusdem Rhythmici (318).
De Misericordia Veritate Just. et Pace (320).
Versus Lat. et Gall. sur Ie Pater Noster et La Creance el Usurer (324).
Concil. Sacerd. et Jocularia alia (342).
Norfolciae Vituperium (340).
De quodam monacho adult. (344).
Prognostica (347).
Ignis Graeci compositio (350).
Carmina Proverbialia (351).
The missing portions of the manuscript came into the hands of J. O. Halliwell, who sold them to Rodd, from whom they were purchased by the British Museum in 1838. They now form MS. Egerton 843, ff. 48 containing
(1) f.1. Jo. de Sacro Bosco de Sphaera.
(2) f.12b. Definitions of stars. Luna dicta est quasi lucina etc.
(3) f.13b. Hic inc. exposiliones uerborum predictorum difficilium.
(4) f.15. Hic inc. spera mag. Roberti lincolniensis Episcopi.
(5) f.22. Uniuersalis autem mundi machina.
With diagrams, one of which, showing the points of the compass, contains four well-drawn human figures.
Ends: sed in eadem illius parte semper consistunt.
(6) f.27. Inc. tractatus de compositione chilindri et eius officio.
Inuestigantibus chilindri compositionem.
(7) f.31. Prognostics of disease.
Quisquis in infirmitatem deciderit.
-de morte uel uita ignoratur.
(8) f.31b Auguries from number of letters in a name.
(9) f.32b. Kalendar-tables. Those on ff.33b-35b run from 1278 to 1396.
(l0) f.35b. Ypocras de contemptu mundi (Physiognomia Hippocratis). Postquam consideraui.
(11) f.37b. Verses on the complexion.
(12) ibid. Description of Christ.
Legitur in annalibus hebreorum
-speciosus forma pre filiis hominum dicitur et uerum est.
(13) f.38. On Stones.
Saphiri lapidis uirtus est.
-set amorem diligit coniugalem.
(14) f.38b. Cent xv, neatly written.
Verses on Compotus, with gloss.
Filius esto dei celum bonus accipe grates.
Ending f.39a, followed by 3 blank leaves.
(15) f.40. De quadrante scire debes quod circulus solis duas habet medietates.
-Hec quoque de practica quadrantis dicta sufficiant.
(16) f.43. Cum quadrantem componere uolueris.
(17) ff.47-48. Tables of equatio, declinatio, altitude solis.
The old foliation has been carefully erased and the leaves bound in a fresh order.
Of the above tracts nos. 6 (7, 8), 15, 16 followed p.42, nos. 10, (11, 12) followed p.102, no.4 (5) followed p.236, no.14 may have been the last thing in the volume. It would not be possible to ascertain the proper places of the remaining leaves without unbinding the MS.
The contents of the portion of the volume before us are:
1. p.1 A Labyrinth drawn in red ink
Non hic introeas nisi que sint hec tria dicas
Quod facit et non fit, facit et fit, non facit et fit.
2. The Sphaera Pythagorae (vitae et mortis), with a short explanation.
Vide formam spere pictagore quam apollonius descripsit.
3. p.2 Three drawings of boards for games resembling draughts and nine-mens' morris; without text
4. p.3 Two careful drawings of chess-boards coloured, the one green and white, the other blue and yellow
Above are the lines
Quando duos tenet ultima linea reges
Quem sequitur fugiens astanti sit color idem.
Under and about the drawings has been a good deal of writing in red, which has almost entirely disappeared.
The rest of the page contains verses, first about chess.
It pedes ad bellum prior incipit ipse duellum
(14 lines. Hagen Carmina medii aevi, p.141).
Then miscellaneous lines with effaced rubrics, e.g.
Ar cupit esse tifex ander de pluribus alex.
5. p.4 Prayers in French, English and Latin
Si aucun uoderat deu supplier uers li deit od gemissement deuant la croiz .vii. feiz ces saumes dire etc.
Apres sunges dites treis feiz denotement.
Louerd ihesu crist ich ðe bidde for ðe vif wunde and ðe diet ðat ðu ðoledest in ðare holie rode, ðat ðu turne mine sweuenes to blisse and to gode.
Amen amen so mote hit beo · for ðare swete holie rode.
Pater noster etc.
Deus qui uoluisti pro redemptione mundi a iudeis reprobari.
p.5 (At the Mass)
Sire ihesu crist rei pussant. A uostre seint cors me comand. etc.
Lines on the meaning of a monogram of D. V. 1-1 (?H).
Lines on the Host (with figure) and prose explanation
on the fraction of the Host.
on the Veil.
p.6 Ici comence la manere de confesser -Benedicite etc.
Jeo me rend cupable etc.
Aue ihesu reis omnipotent · ki home peccheur eustes si chier etc.
Aue maria etc. Duce dame seinte marie eez de nus pite etc.
p.8 On death
Heu quod dulcius est citius effluit
-ipsa inexpugnabilis inpugnat.
Bernardus dicit uiris religiosis.
Cantando uobis ista bona proueniunt.
A number of Latin lines on the Crucifixion, Cross, instruments of the Passion etc., written as prose: e.g. 8
Homo uide quid pro te patior. Ad te clamo qui pro
te morior etc.
Fili. quid mater? Deus es. Sum. Cur ita pendens?
Ne genus humanum uadat ad interitum.
6. p.9 A square of numbers (Arabic) containing 100 squares
The first horizontal line contains the numbers from 1 to 10.
In each vertical column the numbers progress in the ratio of
that which stands at the top : e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc. in col. 1: 2, 4, 6 etc. in col. 2: 10, 20, 30 etc. in col. 10.
Text. 3 paragraphs: Si articulus articulum multiplicet etc.
A 'hard case' in 4 lines
Nexus ouem geminam per spinam duxit equinam
Lesus surgit equus · pendet utrumque pecus.
Inque molendinum portauit pondus ouinum
Dispergitque focum, se cremat atque locum.
(added, xvi).
custodes aberant · singula damna ferant.
7. p.10 Incipiunt uersus singula singulis de articulis fidei
De natiuitate domini.
Natus | casta | nitens | exultans | perfidus | emptus
Rex uirgo sydus angelus hostis homo etc.
The ninth and last of this series is a Replicatio predictorum.
Then follow 3 sets of secular character; the last is:
Clerus eques coridon sermonibus ense iuuenco
Instruit instat arat · hec tria regna regunt.
8. A long series of miscellaneous verses, of enigmatic, proverbial, and satirical character.
The first is:
Phi · nota fetoris · lippus grauis omnibus horis
Sit phi · sit lippus semper procul ergo philippus.
On p.11 are five sets relating to Cerne: e.g.
O felix cernel · urbs iam · non villula cernel ·
quod sic creuisti tribuit tibi uisio christi.
Cf. B.14.33.
On p.13 are the lines Pontificum spuma etc. (Wright Poems of W. Mapes, p.85).
A longer set on p.14 is headed
Hic inducitur ad fugandam superbiam.
Nil obluctatur . caro seruit . mens dominatur.
The other rubrics are
p.16 Versus de clerico et monacha
Cum sit par nobis genus etas forma duobus.
p.16 Versus de mola piperis
Militis uxorem clamidis mercede subegit.
Versus de mure et murilego.
p.17 Caseolum quidam seruandum misit in archam
p.17 Versus magistrates boni et ueri
Latro cernit cum dampnum pallidus it
O fili gemme si uere diligis me.
Inculte terre succurre tua precor re
Mentali messe quisquis bene pauerit se
Mortis perpetue non dubitabit ue
O nicholae uitium spernas et fuge si sci
As id quod subiciet te telis inimici.
p.17 Versus magistrates falsi
Locuntur prophete deus multa de te figuraliter
Decent multa per te tamen non aperte sed umbraliter etc.
Verses without heading
Rector ius cupiens ad rem deducere iure.
De gaudiis celi · De penis inferni.
Est ibi pax pietas bonitas lux uirtus honestas, etc.
Phi · nota fetoris etc., see above on p.10.
9. p.18 Arithmetical puzzles (six and one line of a seventh)
Homo quidam uolens edificare domum.
A quire must be gone here, but is not noticed in the old pagination.
10. p.19 Dialogue on arithmetic
Discipulus. Quia te uenerande preceptor sepius audiui de numeris disputantem
-sexangulum et similia.
11. p.20 (De algorismo)
Omnia que a primeua origine rerum processerunt
-maiorem numerum proponamus.
Printed in Halliwell's Rara Mathematica (1839, 1-5) under the name of Joh. de Sacro Bosco.
12. p.21 Hic inc. questiones quedam difficiles
Diuidatur pondus 40 unciarum.
13. p.23 Two squares of numbers, the first identical with that on p.9
14. p.23 Hic inc. indorum ars numerandi
Hec algorismus ars presens dicitur esse.
By Alexander de Villa Dei: printed with copious rubrics and marginal notes in Rara Math. 73-83.
Ends p.30. A dextris digitum seruando prius documentum.
p.30 Followed by a set of verses on multiplication
Articulum si per reliquum uis multiplicare
Multiplicandorum de normis sufficient hec.
p.31 The Latin numbers (words and figures, numeral and ordinal)
15. p.32 Questiones et positiones oriuntur faciles sed responsiones difficiles
Arithmetical puzzles in verse and prose.
16. p.37 A tract on Arithmetic
Circa algorismum primo docendum procedere secundum addere, etc.
Ends imperfectly with p.42.
Here a quire is gone, the pagination passes from 42 to 79. See above for the contents.
17. p.79 A diagram of the course of the Moon
Text. Si uelis scire quot horas luna debeat lucere singulis noctibus.
18. p.80 Tables in frames of red, blue and yellow, shewing the number of days in months, epacts, etc.
19. Kalendar in red, blue and black.
Jan. 14 Kal. Feb. Wlstani Ep. et C.
Feb. Kal. Brigide V.
Mar. 15 Kal. Ap. Edwardi R. et M. in red.
13 Cuthberti Ep. C. in blue.
12 Benedicti Abb. in blue.
Ap. 3 Non. Ricardi Ep. C. added xv.
13 Kal. Mai. Alphegi Arch. M.
May 7 Id. Transl. S. Nicholai in blue.
14 Kal. Jun. Dunstani Arch. in red.
8 Aldelmi Ep. in red.
7 Augustini Ep. in blue.
June 12 Kal. Jul. Transl. S. Edwardi R. M. in red.
10 Albani M. in red.
9 Etheldrethe V.
July Non. Transl. S. Thome in red.
Id. Transl. S. Swithuni Ep. C. in red.
16 Kal. Aug. Kenelmi R. M.
7 Anne matris marie added xv.
Aug. Non. Oswaldi R. M.
2 Id. Edwoldi C. in blue.
2 Kal. Sept. Cuthburge V.
Sept. 1 Non. Transl. S. Cuthberti in red.
Non. Bertini Abb.
16 Kal. Oct. Edithe V. in red.
15 Lamberti Ep. M.
7 Firmini Ep. M.
Oct. 3 Id. Edwardi R. C.
Id. Wlfranni Ep. C.
17 Kal. Nov. S. Michaelis in monte tumba in blue.
Nov. 16 Kal. Dec. Eadmundi Archiep. C. in red.
12 Eadmundi R. M. in red.
4 Kal. Jan. Thome Archiep. M. in blue.
20. p.94 A series of Tables of Concurrentes etc. ending imperfectly with p.102
pp.97, 98 are a folding sheet almost twice the size of the other leaves.
A quire is gone after p.102 (12 leaves).
21. p.125 Tract on Compotus
Quoniam causa finali nichil dignius reperitur
with tables and a few diagrams.
Ending p.179
Qui sine principio fuit est et erit sine fine Amen.
p.179 Verses de cursu anni, de septem dierum uocabulis
p.180 Miscellaneous paragraphs, several in dialogue form, on the course of the Moon, the divisions of time etc.
Circulus quippe lunaris dicitur.
22. p.186 Inc. compendium tocius kalendarii
Cantus · lux · cultus · laudatur · laurea tonus.
Unfinished, ending
Illam · mente · dies et.
23. p.189 A tract on Kalendar
Videndum est qui sint auctores huius artis
with memorial verses inserted in red.
A division at p.221
Priori libello globum tocius mundi oculis corporeis representauimus.
After p.236 two or three quires are gone (pp.237-288).
24. p.289 A tract on the world
Primo igitur ante tempora secularia uniuersitas mundi in mente diuina concipitur.
It seems to consist of extracts from various sources.
On p.301 the dialogue form is introduced.
Discipulus. Inter sapores unus est insipidus.
Ends on p.307
hec in tres partes diuisa est asiam affricam europam.
Three circles have been sketched below this, but never coloured.
p.308 is blank.
25. p.307 (Apocalypsis Goliae)
A tauro torrida lampade cynthii.
In double columns: ending
Satis aperui cuique mortalium.
Expl. sermo de apocalipsi.
See Wright, Poems of Walter Mapes, p.1.
26. (Centiloquium) 315
Si tunicatorum uitam fraudes et eorum.
Versibus hiis centum de paruis fit monumentum.
Two lines are added rather later
Hec tibi nigrorum deuastat res monachorum
Uenter et renes (ue1 Renes et uenter) et pocula sumpta frequenter.
27. p.318 (Confessio Goliae: Wright, p.71.) In double columns
Estuor intrinsecus ira uehementi
In amaritudine loquor mee menti
After nine stanzas follows the poem Utar contra uitium, Wright, p.36, ending:
Si tu mihi dederis ego dabo tibi (Wright, p.39). Expl.
28. p.320 A prose allegory.
Misericordia et ueritas obuiauerunt sibi etc.
Quidam pater familias quatuor habuit filias
-iusticia et pax osculate sunt. Expl.
29. p.322 (Praedicatio Goliae: Wright, p.31)
Nostris a consortibus pridie rogatus
Vt eis componerem tociens probatus
Quare dei filius sic sit humanatus
Et in crucis cornibus fieret assatus etc.
In double columns: ending
Vt expertes faciat ultime ruine
Sic sit salus omnibus (et) nunc et in fine. Amen.
30. p.324 The Usurer's Pater noster
Pur chastier la fole gent
Ke plus eiment or et argent
Kil ne funt deu et seinte eglise
Ai un poi mentente mise
A rimer et a cunter
Ceo ke ieo ai oi recunter.
Mestre Robert de cursun
Lautre iur a sun sermun.
Cum feitement li userier
Vet a muster pur deu preer.
In double columns.
It is a satirical exposition of the Lord's Prayer.
Ends: Ke ieo li donasse a sauine
Le uaillant de une peiteuine.
Ici comence la creance al vserier.
Pleut vus oir uni meruaille.
A ki nule ne se aparaille.
Ends. p.330
Nus otrie cil ki nus fist nestre
E nus mette tuz en sa destre.
En la ioie parduarble
Od le pere espiritable. Amen.
31. f.331 Prose storis and satires.
La Riote du Monde.
a. Ieo cheuachoie lautrer de amiens a corbie. Si encontrai le reis et sa meisnee · Beaus amis dist li rei dunt uiens tu · Sire ieo uient de ca etc.
--vus perderetz quanke vus lur lerrez.
See Kemble,Salomon and Saturn, p.223.
b. Ieo ne me sai coment contenir en cest siecle · Carr si ioe di demain a un vilain · ieo vus durrai un buffet · il sen irra clomer de mei.
f.334 Ends
Mengiez matin. Herbegez vus de iur. Ne vus ennuiez mie.
c. Conuenientibus pluribus presbiteris ad quoddam conuicium a.a. uolui(t) dicere conuiuium.
-ergo quod non livet dicere dicet scribere.
32. f.340 (Carmen contra Northfolciam).
Exiit edictum quondam a cesare
Qui mittens nuncios iussit describere.
Omnes prouintias sub summo opere
Que bone fuerint que non inquirere.
In double columns: ending
Dictorum corrigat uirorum uicia
Aut simul destruat gentes cum patria.
33. f.342 (Concilium sacerdotum).
Partibus ab amnibus ruit hic et ille
Sacerdotes numero plusquam centum mille.
Ergo si cum conuige facio mixturam
Non transcendo debitam in hac re mensuram.
Expl. consilium sacerdotum.
34. f.344 Satire on a monk.
De cuiusdam claustralis uita et moribus dicere cupio - et noluit consolari quia non sunt.
35. f.347 Miscellanies.
Si tonitruus sonuerit mense ianuarii etc.
Luna prima · hec dies utilis est etc.
f. 349 Receipts in Latin and French.
f. 350 Verses (II).
f. 350 Receipt for Greek fire.
36. f.351 A collection of Proverbs.
The intention at first was to write the English equivalent in red and the Latin verse in black. This has only been done on the first page. The first English rubric is rubbed and the second is:
Hering hom com hine weope hi wende for þe fische þat hi scholde faste.
Allec cernentes famuli fleuere timentes
Successura fore ieiunia piscis amore.
On p.357 no room is left for interlineations, and the hand is probably another: on 359 there is no room left again: not on p. 360-2: pp.363, 4 are blank. The volume ends with 365, 366 which are full.
The last lines are:
Ve mihi cum cuncti contradicunt mihi soli
Si nullus secum teneat ut non tenet equa.
On the top of the flyleaf in Mason's (?) hand is a note:
Gerlandus 146, 189. looses leave(s) 103, 339, 367.