The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts

Shelfmark O.10.10
Manuscript Title

Proclus, Commentary on Plato's Alcibiades

Alternative Title

Proclus In Alcibiadem

James Number 1462
Century 17th
Physical Description

Well written.


Part of the Gale collection, given to T.C.C. by Roger Gale in 1738.Marked F. 13. No. 273.

Donor Gale, Roger (1672-1744), Antiquary
Size (cm) 23 x 20.5
Folio 119 ff.
Material Paper
Language Greek
IIIF Manifest URL
Online Since 10/06/2020


Procli Commentarius in Platonis Alcibiadem primum.
Των Πλατωνικων διολὠ̑γοων καί πάσης ὡς εἰπεὶν τής φιλοσὠ̑φου θεωρὀας.
--άντιστρέφει καί τά άντικείμενα αὑ̑τοὶς τὥ κακὥν καί τὥ αἰσχρὠ̑ν. Τέλος.
Probably transcribed from Cod. Barocc. 140.

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