f.1 Του̑ ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡμω̑ν Ἰωάννου άρχιεπισκόπου κωνσταντινουπόλεως ἑρμηνεία εἰς τὸ κατὰ Ματθαῖον εὐαγγέλιον
Ἔδει μὲν ἡμᾶς μηδὲ δεῖσθαι τῆς άπὸ τω̑ν γραφω̑ν βοηθείας.
Ends complete f.407b.
Ed. Montfaucon, vii.
The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts
Shelfmark | B.8.4 |
Manuscript Title | John Chrysostom, Homilies on the Gospel of St Matthew |
Alternative Title | Chrysostomi Homiliae In Matthaeum. |
James Number | 188 |
Century | 12th13th |
Physical Description | Double columns of 28 lines. ff.1, 2 mutilated; a full copy of the text of these two leaves is given on two paper leaves of cent. xv. |
Size (cm) | 31 x 24.5 |
Folio | 407 ff. |
Material | Parchment |
Language | Greek |
Collation | α8 (wants 1: 2 ff. of paper after 3)- λ8 (5 canc.) -λβ8 (5 canc.) λγ8 (5 canc.) λδ8 (4 canc.) λζ8 (5 canc.) -μα8 (4 canc.) -μβ8 (4 canc.) -μδ8 (5 canc.) -μζ8 (5 canc.) -να8 (5 canc.) -νγ8 νδ? (1 left).The last quire is backed with a bit of a late paper MS. |
IIIF Manifest URL | https://mss-cat.trin.cam.ac.uk/Manuscript/B.8.4/manifest.json |
Online Since | 23/06/2021 |