The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts

Shelfmark B.5.4
Manuscript Title

Peter Lombard, Magna glossatura on the Psalms, Part I

Alternative Title

Prima Pars Psalterii Glosati Sec. Herebertum De Bosham.

James Number 150
Century 12th
Physical Description

Text 28, gloss 52 lines to a full column. Magnificent writing and ornaments.


Given by Nevile

From Christ Church, Canterbury. Edwards, p.185. Liber (l. -ri) M. Herberti de Boseham. Prima pars psalterii secundum Longobardum. The other books under Herberts name [presumably James means in Edwards] are(2) Secunda pars psalterii secundum Longobardum.(This is now in the Bodleian, Auct. E infra 6. It was given to the Library by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Colf in 1616, in memory of their father Richard Colf, B.D., Prebendary of Canterbury.)(3) Prima pars epistolarum Pauli secundum Longobardum.(4) Secunda pars epistolarum Pauli sec. Longobardum.(These two volumes are B.5.6, and B.5.7 in this Library.)(5) Thomus. The Bodleian volume has its press-mark etc., thus Secunda pars psalterii, glosa Magistri hereberti de Boseham. D. ij. gra. xj.Also the mark .Bos.

Religious House Canterbury, Kent, Benedictine Cathedral Priory (Christ Church)
Donor Neville [Nevile], Thomas (c. 1548–1615), College Head and Dean of Canterbury
Size (cm) 45 x 31.5
Folio 184 ff.
Material Parchment
Language Latin

i8 (wants 1?) ii8 (wants 4) iii8-xvi8 xvii10 (2 canc.) xviii8-xxiii8 xxiv2.


Four stubs follow f.7v (not displayed online)

IIIF Manifest URL
Online Since 23/09/2022


f.1 Prefatio herberti de boseham beati martiris et pontificis thome in exilio comitis indiuidui ad Guillelmum senonensem archipresulem super nouo quod condidit opere super psalmos
Dum ego cum dimicante domini prelia prius exule . nunc uero glorioso christi martyre sancto uidelicet thoma cantuariorum antistite dura exilii aspera (erased) in exemplum iusti iudicii dei sustinerem eiectum et proscriptum in loco pascue (above line Pontiniaci scilicet ubi locuples scripturarum armarium) collocauit me dominus.
After an address to William of Sens he describes the nature of his work (f.1b).
Concordantias enim psalmorum inter se et ad epistolas et rursus epistolarum inter se et ad psalmos..foris in librorum marginibus studui annotare.
Next he says he has distinguished the words of the Glosator from those of the Doctores whom he is quoting.
Unde etiam et linea mineo colore ducta...uerba expositorum inter se et etiam a uerbis glosatoris distinxi ne cassiodorum pro augustino siue ieronimo uel glosatorem inducas pro expositore in quo interdum non simplices sed eruditiores etiam risimus lectores errasse.
Where a question might arise between glosator and expositores "notulas quasdam de ipsis expositoribus absque ulla uerborum innouatione sumptas una cum paragrafis nostris apposuimus."
This is not meant to the prejudice of that "illustris doctor qui horum fuit glosator et meus in hac doctrina institutor precipuus (i.e. Petrus Lombardus)....Nam cum hec opera scriberet nequaquam sicut ipsomet referente didici ipsi uenit in mentem quod in scolis publicis legerentur, solum ob id facta ut antiquioris glosatoris magistri Anselmi laudunensis breuitatem elucidarent obscuram."
But the works were read publicly contrary to his expectation, and before he had fully corrected them he was made Bp of Paris, and shortly after died.
If hostile critics persist in abusing me, he goes on, I can tell them in addition to what I have already said "quod xpc̅ (sic) domini summus sacerdos christi neomartyr noster sanctus thomas ita fieri uoluit."
As a further defence against calumny I will arm myself with this verse "Redime me a calumpniis hominum ut custodiam mandata tua." Hunc quippe uersiculum dominus meus neomartyr S. Thomas post gloriosum transitum suum in uisione mihi apparens pre ceteris psalmorum uersiculis commendauit.
In the next paragraph he says that he has joined this (the Church or Gallican) psalter with that of St Jerome translated from the Hebrew.
He then speaks of the use of the Concordantie (i.e. references to parallel passages).
Preterea breues quasdam concordancias figuras uidelicet quasdam non quidem autenticas sed iuxta proprie mentis fictionem formatas apposuimus ne quid legi uel diligencie concordantium deperiret. Solent autem huiuscemodi concordantie breues per figuras apponi cum inter loca scripture consona seu contraria modica est distantia. Librorum eciam horum uidelicet psalterii et epistolarum introitus concordanciarum causa capitulatim distinximus et in isto psalterii libro quem tenemus in manibus nouem in eius introitu posuimus distinctiones.
The Epistles have a similar introduction etsi sub alio capitulorum numero. Epistole etiam singule suas habent et proprias distinctiones sicut in nostra, quam et in epistolis domino premisimus fauente prefacionem continetur.
What I have done with these two books (the Psalter and Epistles) can be done with other parts of Scripture: but these are the most important.
I have also noted the diuersitates litterarum (apparently uariae lectiones in use in different churches).
I have also added three prologues and the Letters of Jerome, the last "preter morem quidem sed non preter utilitatem."
f.4 Prima prefacio super librum psalmorum
Dauid filius Iesse
-dictus est christus.
f.4b Secunda prefacio de libro psalmorum
In hebreo libro psalmorum citra numeri adiectionem
-et de manu saul. Expl. prologus.
f.6b Tercia prefacio quam facit Ieronimus
Psalterium rome dudum positus
-fonte potare.
f.6b Epistola Ieronimi ad Sophronium postulantem ut psalterium sicut est in hebreo transferret
Scio quosdam potare
-meminisse mei frater in christo.
f.7b Inc. capitula seu distinctiones super librum psalmorum que Herbertus de Boseham dum cum beato martire thoma cantuariorum antistite existeret sic ordinauit et congessit
Inc. capit. seu distinct. prime quinquagene.
I. Primus psalmus agit de beato uiro s. christo et de iniquorum ultionibus ύ et terret aduersis. Beatus uir.
II. Ps. secundus: primus est de duabus in Christo naturis. Quare fremuerunt.
The Capitula to all the Psalms, divided into three quinquagene, are given here.
Then follows a paragraph.
Repperi quidem alia istius libri super psalterium quod dicunt tripartitum capitula ύ que in presentiarum sicut nec probo nec improbo ne uidear forte inuidiose seu temere ueteribus noua uelle preferre ύ Jnspiciat lector et hec et ilia et iudicet.
f.10 Inc. capitula seu distinctiones super introitum totius libri
i de excellencia prophetie dauid.
ix de ordine psalmorum qui a serie hystorie discordant.
f.10 Inc. introitus super librum psalmorum
Dist. I. Cum omnes prophetas spiritus sancti reuelatione constet esse locutos.
Ends imperfectly in Dist. VII.
nt ecce uirgo concipiet. Alia.
The first leaf of the Psalter is gone. The next (f.11) begins in Ps. i. resurgunt impii in iudicio.
The other version (Hebraica) is written on the left in smaller letters, beginning impii in iudicio.
The text and gloss are in two main columns. The margins on either side are divided into three columns each.
Of these that nearest to the text contains references to other Psalms. The next to this has the names of the expositors in red or blue capitals, with red and blue lines drawn down to show how far their words extend. The outer one has references to passages in the Pauline Epistles. This disposition is occasionally disturbed by figures of men ; in the column next to the text additional quotations from expositors occur sometimes.
Ps. 1 ends on f.133. It is followed by
f.133 Capitula seu distinctiones secunde quinquagene
li. Psalmus quinquagesimus primus roborat fideles contra antichristum et complices eius'primo continens inueccionem contra ipsum et de celeri fine iniqui subponens. quid gloriaris in.
Ends f.133b.
On f.134 the first column of f.133, containing the last verse of ps. 1 with gloss, is repeated line for line. Ps. li begins on col. 2.
At the end of Ps. lxxiii (lxxiv) is
f.183 Prima pars psalterii explicit
But Ps. lxxiv (lxxv) is at once begun and goes down to
Liquefacta est terra (v. 4).
f.183b Ending abruptly with.
f.184 is covered with close small writing in three columns.
f.184 Primo quid sit psalterium ad litteram
Primo uidendum quid sit psalterium ad litteram.
De hoc Cas(siodorus) in principio explanationis sue super psalt.
The next paragraph is
Secundo An unus psalmographus fuerit seu plures.
The first quotes the Prol. Augustini super psalt.
Next Hieronymus ad Cyprianum.
Then. In quodam psalterio quod aureis literis totum fuit magnifice exaratum in archiuis reposito apud S. Dionisium francorum apostolum sic scriptum reperi.
Liber psalmorum quamquam uno concludatur uolumine non est tamen uno factore decem enim prophete sunt qui eos diuerso tempore scripserunt, idest moyses dauid Salomon Asaph Eman Ethan et Idithun filii Chore Asur et Chazab et Hesdra.
This paragraph is followed by
Tercio ύ qui fuerunt expositores psalmorum. From Cassiodorus.
De quarto psalmo
De sexto psalmo
De vii psalmo
De ix psalmo
De xv psalmo
De xvi psalmo
De xvii psalmo
On the lower margin a paragraph on the diapsalma.
f.186b De xxi psalmo
De xxii psalmo
De xxiii psalmo
De xxv psalmo
De liiii psalmo
De lxviii psalmo
De lxx psalmo
De lxxii psalmo
De lxxiiii psalmo
De lxxxiiii psalmo (two)
De lxxxv psalmo
De lxxxviii psalmo
De xc psalmo
De xciii psalmo
De xciiii psalmo
De lxxiii (in different ink).
In the lower margin a note in a bad hand of cent. xiii on Ps. xiii.
The decoration of the book is exceptionally splendid. Its principal features are these:
On f.1 at top in L. margin, a full length figure of William Abp of Sens (Pontifex written above): he is in red chasuble with gold mitre, blue dalmatic, pinkish alb and has pastoral staff with vexillum. On R. is Herbert bearded, in blue over pink, holding up a book or scroll inscribed Doce ilium.
There is also a magnificent decorative initial with heads of beasts, on gold ground.
The first prologue f.4 has a fine initial of the same kind.
The 2nd (f.4b) has a larger one, with medallion in the upright
stalk, of (1) a bird, (2) a beast, (3) a seated devil.
The 3rd (f.6b} has initial of a white-bearded man writing.
The 4th decorative.
The Introitus (f.10): initial contains half-lengths of four men, two with scrolls, and small beasts.
A figure has been cut out of the margin here, representing a Generalis doctor.
In the margin of f.10b is a figure of a white-bearded man holding a short pointed instrument (an obelus) and a scroll inscribed Ego non approbo. Similar figures recur with great frequency. Over the head is written Generalis doctor.
The large initial which no doubt was at the beginning of Beatus uir is gone.
At the beginning of Ps. ii (f.11b) is a figure of a nude man with flames proceeding from all parts of him. It symbolises the union of Godhead with manhood in Christ. Over it is written Homo in igne. Deus in homine.
Two figures are cut out of the margin of f.13.
At the beginning of Ps. iv (f.15) is a seated woman, Ethica, holding in one hand a white dove Simplicitas and in the other a snake Astucia.
A figure is gone at the beginning of Ps. vi, f.20b.
Also at Ps. vii (f. b): part of the scroll remains, "Dauid Christum accione..."
f.26 Ps. viii has a figure like that at Ps. ii with the same title
f.33b Ps. xli. Man with obelus. Scroll. Non ego
f.35 " " " Ego aliter et ad aliud
Another is cut out of the leaf.
f.35b Ps. xii. Ethica, just as at Ps. iv
f.36 " Augustinus with obelus. Scroll. Hic michi causas
f.39b one cut out, also f.40b.
ff.42, 43 figures cut out: also f.56, f.58, f.64, f.67, f.70, f.71, f.74, f.77, f.90, f.98, f.102, f.106, f.112, f.115, f.130, f.135, f.137, f.145, f.154, f.165, f.173, f.174, f.175, f.181.
Figures with obeli and scrolls Ego aliter and the like on f.43, f.43b, f.82, f.90b, f.102b, f.123, f.146b, f.147b, f.180b.
f.52 Ps. xviii. Virgin and Child. Verbum incarnatum
f.71 Ps. xxvii. Christus stands with scroll. Dauid kneels and points. Above
Dauid Christum accione demonstrat.
f.84b xxxi. Beati quorum. An old man seated with birch rod, a younger man at his feet.
lxxiii. A seated man with rough hair, hand to face.
f.180 Propheta merens?
Besides this each psalm has an admirable decorative initial to the two texts and the gloss, and each verse a smaller one, also for the two texts and gloss.


Bjork, R., ed., Translatio: the Transmission of Culture in the Middle Ages

Carruthers, M. J., The Book of Memory : a Study of Memory in Medieval Culture Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature 70 (Cambridge, 2008) 2nd ed.

Fingernagel, A., Romanik, Geschichte der Buchkultur 4/1-4/2 (Graz, 2007) 2 vol.

Goodwin, D. L., "Take hold of the robe of a Jew" : Herbert of Bosham's Christian Hebraism Studies in the History of Christian Traditions; 126 (Leiden, 2006)

Jackson, D., Morgan, N. and Panayatova, S. (eds.), Illuminated Manuscripts in Cambridge : A Catalogue of Western Book Illumination in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Cambridge Colleges. Part 3, France, vol 1, c.1000-c.1250 (London, 2015), vol 1. no. 32.

Panayotova, S., ed., The Cambridge Illuminations : the Conference Papers (London, 2007)

Smith, Lesley., Cambridge, Trinity College, MS B.5.4 folio 135v: the Psalms, with commentary by Peter Lombard (Harris Manchester College, Oxford)

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