The James Catalogue of Western Manuscripts

Shelfmark B.14.19
Manuscript Title

The Pryckynge of Love; Lay Folk's Catechism, Richard Lavynham, Little Treatise on the Deadly Sins, etc

Alternative Title

Stimulus Amoris, etc

James Number 305
Date I. Fly-leaves of cent. xiii and xiv II. late 15th century III. 15th century IV. 15th century bound in a 14th century account roll.
Century 13th14th15th
Physical Description

Four volumes of different dates.
I. Bound in fragments of four leaves of a 13th cent MS
II. 33 lines to a page.
III. 31 lines to a page.
IV. 33 lines to a page.


Given by Whitgift. Belonged to Batman. On f.3 in his hand is: this booke cost me 18d the yere ao 1578 the 4 october.

Donor Whitgift, John (1530/31?–1604), Archbishop of Canterbury, Master of Trinity
Size (cm) 21.5 x 15
Folio 259 ff.
Material PaperParchment
Language LatinMiddle English

I: 2 fly-leaves 110 (10 canc.) 28-1812 1910 (10 canc.) 206 (wants 4-6 blank) 2 fly-leaves | 4 blank leaves II: a8-c8 III: 18-68. IV: a quire of sixteen leaves.

Manuscript Summary Composite manuscript of four volumes.
IIIF Manifest URL
Online Since 03/03/2015


I: Bound in fragments of four leaves of a xiiith cent. MS. (Scholastic Theology)

1. f.4 The Chastising of goddis children
Text. f.5b In drede of almy ’ti god religious sister a schort pistle I sende ’ou of þe mater of temptaciouns
Ends f.66. -haue mercy on us synful. Amen.
Christe Ihesu vere . quos castigas miserere.
ff.66b, 67 blank.

2. f.67b. The following note by Batman.
In mani placis of this stimulus amoris, this pricke of Love, are veraye good and sounde documents of scripture, and what the reste are consider the tyme. He is no wyse man yt for the haueng of spiders scorpions or any outher noysom thinge in his howse will therefore set the whole howse on fier for by that meanes he disfornisheth himselfe of his howse: and so doo men by rashe borneng of ancient Recordes lose the knowledge of muche learnenge / there be meanes and wayes to presarve the good corne by gathering oute the wedes. S. B.
f.68 Inc. tractatus cuius titulus dicitur stimulus amoris
Hou a man schal haue cristis passioun in mynde.
Ends f.149.
So þat alle blessed spiritis mai louen oure lord in þe blis of heuene. Amen.
Here endiþ ye tretise þat is called þe pricke of loue. made bi a frere menour bonauenture þat was a cardynal of þe court of Rome.

3. f.149 (Note by Batman: this is a speciall good notae)
Hou a man schal knowe which is þe speche of þe fleisch in his herte.
Ends f.150. it is spekyng of god and not of þi silf Lord Jhū haue merci on us.

4. f.150 Almy ’ti god in trinite . now and euere wiþ us be
[Items 4 and 5 copied 5 Feb. 1894, by Dr A. Brandeis of Vienna.]
Ends f.162a. To þat pees pereles we preie þou us bringe þat lyueþ and regneþ witouten endyng. Amen.

5. f.162b (Hymn of Richard de Castre)
Ihu lord þat made me . and wiþ þi blissful blood hast bou ’t.
Ends. And whom I haue had ony good . and spare al cristen þt doon amysse.
f.163 blank. On the verso (xv),
Item post lr 1 . et xvij prus iiid.
Item v lr iiic prus iiid.
2 fly-leaves of the xiiith century MS. follow, and then 4 blank leaves.

II. Vellum, late xvth cent.
f.170 Incipiunt dubia notabilia de passione Christi
Christus passus est pro nobis' petri 2ι̑ Bernardus omelia 22a christum alloquitur.
In seven parts: the last
Inc. pars septima Passionis Christi in Caluarie loco.
Containing 34 dubia, ending f.191
per viros nobiles notos iudeos fuit corpus christi sepultum.
Expl. dubia notab. de pass. J. C. determinata sec. sentencias diuersorum doctorum Catholicorum.
ff.191b-193b blank.

III. Vellum
1. f.194 Headed (xvii). An Exposition of the Romish Catakism
The mayster of sentences in the ij book of and fyrst dystynction there he seyth.
Between ff.203 and 204 is a slip in another hand.
The tract contains an exposition of the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, the Ten Commandments, the seven Sacraments, the seven works of mercy, the seven Virtues, the seven Deadly Sins, the five Senses, the nine pains of Hell, the Joys of Heaven.
Ends f.237b, where to he vs bryng that for vs deyid on the rode tre Ihesu cryst goddys sone. Amen.
2. f.237b Psalterium secundum doctorem de lira est clauis celi
Ends f.241. per graciam dei perueneris.
Nota. Magistri nicholai doctoris de lyra super psalterium.

IV. Paper.
Cent. xv. Bound in a bit of an account roll (xiv). The only names I can see are Walter de Brandon and Dominus Symon de Hedirset. Lingeholdelond, Joh. Rolfe de Mirtno [James has u above n of Mirtno]: Prior de Penteney, Prior de Wymondham, Domina de Stanfeld, Vicar, de Keteringham.
f.243 Headed (xvii, xviii). A Treatise on the seven deadly sins
Cryst þat deyed on cros ffor saluacion of mankend graunt vs grace slyely to askape the sly ensaumple of ffals ensaylyng of þe fende.
Ends f.258, in a section on Pollucion,
and take our soules after our deth to hys blysseful place. Amen.
f.258b is blank.


Mooney, L. R., The Index of Middle English Prose Handlist 11: Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge (Cambridge, 1995), pp. 10-11

Sargent, M. G., 'A New Manuscript of the Chastising of God's Children with an Ascription to Walter Hilton', Medium Aevum 46 (1977), 49-65

Summit, J., Memory’s Library: Medieval Books in Early Modern England (Chicago, 2008)

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