f.1 Kalendar in red, black and blue (Sarum)
SS. David and Chad, and S. Wenefred, are original.
f.7 Psalter
f.136b Cantica ending with Litany
f.153b Office of the Dead (Placebo)
On the verso of the last leaf in a late xvth cent. hand are these lines
Virgo parens uixit sexaginta tribus annis
Quatuor atque decem fuit in partu benedicta
Trigintaque tribus cum nato uixerat annis
Sexque decem sola postquam Christus subit astra.
The Litany is in a somewhat later hand than the rest of the book: it contains:
Martyrs. Maximianus cum sociis... 'Albane ij,' Iustus, Quintin, Edmund, Oswald, Alphege. Thomas erased.
Confessors. Marcialis (2nd).... Augustine cum sociis. Wilfred... Ethelwold, 'Benedicte ij.'... Columban... 'Cuthlace.'... Botulph, Neot, Edward, Edmund.
Virgins. The first five are Etheldreda, Wythburga, Sexburga, Ethelberga, Ermenilda. The last are Austraberta, Erkengota, Werburga.
Suffrage. Ut regi nostro et principibus nostris etc.
The first page of the Psalter has a good border, and an initial on red ground with gold flourishes, David in ermined scarlet robe playing the harp.
Dominus illuminatio. Decorative.
Dixi custodiam. Decorative, with good bust.
Dixit insipiens. Decorative.
Saluum me fac. Decorative
Exultate. Decorative
Cantate. Decorative
Domine exaudi. Decorative (smaller).
Dixit dominus. Decorative (smaller).
Ad dominum (cxx.). Decorative(smaller).
Confitebor (Canticum Isaiae). Decorative (smaller).