f.1 Prol. no heading
I. 1. Beatissimo (papae erased) Damaso Hieronimus
-et memineris mei papa beatissime.
2. f.2 Plures fuisse qui euangelia scripserunt
(in rustic capitals)
-quam aecclesiasticis uiuis canendas.
3. f.3b Ammonius quidem Alexandrinus
(first line in rustic capitals)
-similia dixisse repperies.
4. f.4 Sciendum etiam nequis signarum (rustic capitals)
-et memineris mei beatissimae papa.
II. f.4 Matheus ex Iudaea
(in large uncials)
-quaerentibus non tacere.
f.5 Capitula (xxvii)
1. Nativitas xpī Magi cum muneribus ueniunt etc.
(first line in uncials).
xxvii. Passio ihesu et sepultura et resurrectio eius. Itemque mandata et doctrina eius de baptismo.
ff.6b, 7, 8 are blank. It is likely that these pages were meant to have charters written upon them.
f.9 Canones Eusebii
The Canons are under splendid gold arches; circular, triangular, horseshoe and trefoil forms occur. The shafts supporting them are always gold with bases and caps of various colours. In the tympana and spandrels of the arches are animals and figures, as follows.
f.9a. Two peacocks above the arch.
ff.9b, 10a. Griffins and yellow beasts.
f.10b. Half-length angel with fillet, pink nimbus, sceptre and scroll: a church on L. Towers at the sides.
f.11a. Similar: the angel has sceptre and orb.
f.11b. A beardless and tonsured figure (half-length) in pink chasuble with gold ornaments on the front, and round the neck: yellow nimbus: he holds a scroll.
This is St Mark. A building on each side, and two lions on the outside of the arch.
f.12a. Similar. St Mark has a book.
f.12b. Three half-lengths of hooded females with coloured nimbi. Those on R. and L. have gold books and gold branches with blue flowers. That in C. has gold book and gold palm branch.
Eagles on the outside of the arch.
f.13a. C. Half-length of Christ with cross nimbus and book blessing: on the ground in gold A. Ω. On R. and L. half-length angels each with gold disc or orb and sceptre. Eagles outside.
f.13b. Two birds (eagles) and two lions in the heads of the arches.
f.14a. Similar. Here the lions are in the two inner arches.
f.14b. Two lions in the head of the trefoil arch: and panels of dark slate-coloured ornament outlined in red on yellow ground.
f.15a. Similar.
f.15b. Half-length angel with book: winged lion with book. The books are gold and have small crosses on them.
f.16a. Winged ox with crossed gold book.
Eagle with gold book.
f.16b. Full page picture of Christ under a double gold arch filled with most copious foliage work in all colours. He is in a blue mandorla with pink ground. He has grey hair and beard, a gold crown, a dark nimbus, a gold mantle over lilac robe over white robe: He is blessing and holds a dark purple book with white cross and lines on it. A gold footstool under His feet.
f.17a. In large gold capitals
Incipit Evangelium secundum matheum.
f.17b. Full page painting with elaborate frame, of which the main lines are broad gold bands, double, with a quatrefoil enclosing a lozenge at each corner, and a medallion in the middle of each side. These gold bands are filled in with foliage in many colours, on a pale purple ground. The four medallions contain busts of Apostles nimbed and 3 of them bearded, with books. That at the top has Peter with key and book.
In the frame is a picture with trefoiled head in which is a half-length angel with fillet and gold scroll. Below is Matthew beardless, with fillet and grey hair, in purple over white, dipping his pen into an inkhorn on R. and holding open red book in L.
f.18a. A similar frame with four medallions: in that at top is a woman holding flower and book: the others are bearded men with books: all nimbed.
Within the frame is a large L of minuscule form in gold, panelled with colours: at each extremity are two beasts' heads. The letter has something of a Celtic look. The opening words of the gospel follow in gold capitals (L)iber generationis IHV XPĪ.
f.18b Text continued
Ends f.56b. Colophon in narrow gold capitals.
Expl. Euang. sec. matheum.
f.57 Inc. Prologus Euang. sec. Marcum, in similar letters
Marcus Euangelista dei
-prestat deus est.
Expl. argumentum (gold).
f.57b Inc. Breuiarium (narrow gold letters)
i. De iohanne baptista et uictu et habitu eius etc.
xiii. Principes interrogant Ihesum etc.
-ascensio eius in caelis.
Expl. Breuiarium (narrow gold letters).
f.59a. In large gold capitals.
Inc. Evang. sec. Marcum.
f.59b. Full page painting, border as before, with four quatrefoils in the sides. That at the top has a half- length beardless figure with flower and book: that on R. similar with palm and book, the other two have books only.
Inside the frame. Above, a half-length angel with lion's head and gold scroll. Below it a gold horizontal band. Below, Mark, beardless, in yellow over gold robe, dipping his pen and looking up: book on desk on his L.
f.60a. Similar frame with four quatrefoils containing half-length beardless figures with scrolls (that on L. has a book).
Gold and panelled initial containing lions and dragon.
Opening words of the Gospel in gold. Initium evang. ĪHV XPĪ filii dei sicut.
f.60b Text
Ends f.84a. Expl. Euang. sec. Marcum · habet ·· uersus ·· mille. DCC. (in narrow gold letters).
f.84 Inc. prologus
Lucas syrus natione
-fastidientibus prodidisse.
Expl. prologus (narrow gold letters).
f.84b Inc. Breuiarium
i. Zacharias uisio (!) angelo etc.
xxi. Nuntiant mulieres etc.
-Reliquitque laudantes deo in templo.
Expliciunt Capitula (narrow gold letters).
f.88b blank.
f.89a. In large gold capitals
Inc. Evang. Sec. Lucam.
f.89b. Frame of double gold bands (the gold damaged) with foliage on purple ground.
Within it above. A half-length angel with ox's head and gold scroll. Below, a horizontal gold band.
Below, Luke beardless, white haired, turning to R. writing in gold letters on a book Quoniam quidem -quae in. His seat is of gold with purple covering.
f.90a. Similar frame containing initial Q with dragon and bird-forms, and the first words of the Gospel in gold capitals.
Quoniam -ordinare.
f.90b Text
Ending f.130b. Expl. Euang. Sec. Lucam (in narrow gold letters).
f.131 Inc. prol. Euang. sec. Iohannem (similar letters)
Hic est Iohannes
-doctrina seruetur.
Explicit Prologus (similar letters).
f.131b Inc. Breur̅. euang. sec. Iohannem (....)
i. Pharisaeorum leuitae interrogant etc.
xiii. Passio ihesu et sepultura et resurrectio eius.
Expl. Breuiarius (narrow gold letters).
On the same page in large gold capitals
Inc. Evang. Sec. Iohannem 132
f.132b. A frame resembling the first two, with lozenges in the sides containing half-length angels with books: those at top and on L. have also sceptres.
Inside the frame a picture with gold arch over it, in the head of which is a half-length angel with eagle's head and gold scroll.
Below, on purple ground, John with fillet and long white hair, holding pen in R. hand, and in L. a dark blue open book inscribed in gold In principio. This page has suffered from damp.
f.133a. Damaged by damp.
A similar frame. The lozenges contain busts of angels with books. Within, a gold panelled initial containing lions, dragon and bird, and the opening words of the Gospel in gold capitals. In principio erat verbum et verbum.
f.133b Text
Ending f.161b. Expl. Euang. sec. Iohannem · habet uersus I DCC. (in gold uncials).
f.162 is blank.
f.163 A Table of Gospels for the year in a smaller hand, 31 lines to a page
In primis in vigilia natalis domini de nona Euang. sec. Matheum Capl. III. Cum esset desponsata. Usque a peccatis eorum.
Ad · S · Anastasium.
S. Stephen · John Evang. Innocents.
Ad · S. Mariam ad martyres.
Natale S. Mariae.
S. Felix. Marcellus. Prisca. Sebastian. Fabian. Agnes
(2). Vincent. Ypapanti. Agatha. Valentine. Gregory.
Ad S. Paulum.
Ad S. Sauinam.
Ad S. Georium.
In pamachii.
In lateranis.
Ad S. Petrum.
Ad S. Anastasiam.
Ad S. Mariam.
Ad S. Laurentium.
Ad Apostolos.
Ad S. Petrum.
Ad S. Clementem.
Ad S. Balbinam.
Ad S. Caeciliam.
Ad S. Mariam.
Ad Apostolos.
SS. Tyburtius Valerian Maximus.
Pascha annotina.
S. George, Vitalis, Philip and James, Alexander Euentius
Theodolus Gordian, Nereus Achilleus, Pancratius.
Ded. aecclesiae S. Mariae ad martyres.
Urban, Marcellus Peter, Primus Felician, Cyrinus Nabor Nazarius Marcus Marcellian, Protasius Geruasius, John Bapt., John and Paul, Transl. Corporis b. Leonis pontificis (28 June).
Peter Paul, Processus Martinian, vii fratres, Felicitas, Praxedis, Apollinaris, Filix Simplicius Faustinus Beatrix, Abdon Sennes, Ad uincula, Stephen pope, Syxtus, Felicissimus Agapitus, Cyriacus, Laurence, Tiburtius, Ypolitus, Eusebius, Assumption, Agapitus, Timotheus, Bartholomeus, Hermes, Decoll. Joh. Bapt., Nativ. B.V.M., Cornelius Ciprianus, Exaltatio S. Crucis, Nicomede, Lucy, Eufemia, Matthew, Cosmas Damian, Ded. Aeccl. S. Michahelis, Mark, Calistus, Luke, All Saints, Caesarius, IIII Coronati, Theodore, Mennas, Martin, Caecilia, Clement, Felicitas, Chrisogonus, Chrisantus Maurus Daria, Saturninus, Andrew, Lucy.
Ends. In uigilia domini.
Expl. Capitula Lectionum Euangelii de circulo anni deo gratias amen: in gold rustic capitals. f.174a: verso blank.